Monday, 29 October 2012

Invitation to the screening of the movie ‘’We’re Not Broke” and thereafter a discussion on the state of tax justice in Kenya

                                                                                                                             Invitation to the screening of the movie ‘’We’re Not Broke” and thereafter a discussion on the state of tax justice in Kenya

Where: Arfa Lounge Bar, 20 Century Plaza, Mama Ngina Street
When: 31st October 2012
Time: 5.00pm
Host: Tax Justice Network -Africa
Free Entry

WE’RE NOT BROKE tells the story of U.S. corporations dodging billions in income tax and how seven fed-up Americans take their frustration to the streets … and vow to make the corporations pay their fair share.

“Stand up for tax justice in Kenya. Demand fairness in revenue collection”

RSVP to Ann Njeru at

1st global training under the Capacity for Research and Advocacy for Fair Taxation (CRAFT)

1st global training under the Capacity for Research and Advocacy for Fair Taxation (CRAFT),30th October to 2nd November 2012, Nairobi, Kenya.
The CRAFT project seeks to enhance the technical and advocacy capacity of targeted civil society organizations in order to enable them to bring about an agenda for change and mobilize public pressure for tax justice.
The specific objectives of the 1st training  
ü  To provide basic insights on how taxation works;
ü  To enable participants to analyze the tax system of a selected country, propose change and stage action.
The training will be based on CRAFT training modules 1 and 2 and will cover the following topics:
From module 1:
ü  A definition of the concept of taxation and how it relates to State development;
ü  An analysis of  the role of taxation in developing economies;
ü  An explanation of the different types of taxes;
ü  Definition of key terms used in taxation.

From module 2:

ü  A thorough discussion of key concepts in the tax justice campaign such as tax avoidance, tax evasion, illicit financial flows, secrecy jurisdictions/tax havens, corruption tax competition and tax expenditure;
ü  A discussion on the national tax architecture (using a specific country as example e.g. Uganda) and an analysis of the former with regard to the global financial architecture;
ü  An introduction to power analysis tools and institutional change methods with regard to the specific national context;
ü  Concrete case studies of the issues mentioned above will be shared and discussed.

Trainers will be drawn from various institutions working on taxation and specifically involved in the tax justice campaign such as: TJN-A, other regional or national chapters of TJN, the Tax Justice International secretariat, Action Aid and Afrodad.
Trainees will be representatives of the country lead partners for the CRAFT project and any other relevant civil society organization involved in the tax justice campaign.
Note: The film ‘We are not broke’ will be screened during one of the evenings to the training (e.g. day 2) for participants to the training. WE’RE NOT BROKE tells the story of U.S. corporations dodging billions in income tax and how seven fed-up Americans take their frustration to the streets … and vow to make the corporations pay their fair share.

Capacity for Research and Advocacy for Fair Taxation (CRAFT) is a project of Oxfam Novib and TJN-A. In this project, Oxfam Novib (ON), Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJN-A) and its partners mobilize civil society forces in several countries in Africa, Middle East and Asia (Uganda, Mali,       Senegal, Nigeria,  Egypt and Bangladesh) on tax justice, with a view to achieve accountable, fair and pro-poor tax systems. This is supported by Third World Network Africa (TWN-A), which gives expertise in the area of mining and taxation. The International Budget Partnership (IBP) and Tax Justice Network-International Secretariat (TJN-IS) are also associated with CRAFT.