The continent sees little of the vast profits made from its natural resources
wealth of natural resources can be a blessing or a curse. It has
helped to create prosperity in countries such as Norway, Canada, Malaysia, the
Gulf states and Scotland. Much of the developing world has unfortunately seen
the ugly side: enclaves of wealth amid poverty, waste and corruption and the
undermining of productive agriculture and industry with an overvalued exchange
Moreover, windfalls of wealth have created a rent-seeking
culture in which living standards are not earned and there is a neglect of
entrepreneurial endeavour, technological innovation and hard work.
Each year, international oil, gas, forestry and mining companies
make large payments to the governments of resource-rich developing countries,
though their citizens see very little of it. Charities have estimated that in
Africa this income is six times greater than the aid the continent receives.
Where does all this money go?
Too much of it is siphoned away from those who need it most and
lodged into foreign bank accounts and offshore tax havens. These vast sums of
money that disappear into the coffers of bent politicians and bureaucrats are
part of a culture of corruption that is fuelled by a lack of transparency.
Instead of being used to fight poverty, boost economic growth and improve
social conditions, this money often funds wars and personal vanity projects.
For those companies that do want to operate ethically, this
behaviour poses a real problem. They may pay their taxes in perfectly legal
manner, but there is no accountability.
In the UK, working with my team of Ed Davey, Norman Lamb and Jo
Swinson, as well as other colleagues in the coalition, we have been striving to
achieve a balance between promoting transparency without encroaching on
commercial confidentiality. The ability to track payments and make a comparison
of revenues earned and investment made will combat corruption and ensure that
the sale of natural resources benefits the many, not the few.
The standard is set by the US. Thanks to that country's passage
of the Dodd-Frank Act, companies are forced to disclose the money they pay to
governments above a threshold of $100,000. They must also provide details on
each individual project, which contributes to these payments, though there are
genuinely tricky problems around the definition of a project. We in the UK are
taking the lead within the European Union in promoting the creation of a new
global standard for transparency that will cover the majority of the industry's
It's time to put politics aside. Those involved need to get
behind this initiative and ensure the EU, ahead of the G8, leads the world in a
transparency agenda.
We're confident we can take this first historic step in lifting
the lid on the financial dealings between extractive companies and developing
countries. These proposals are an important step in reducing corruption and
increasing accountability in resource-rich countries.
Dr Vince Cable is Secretary of State for Business, Innovation
and Skills
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